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– Kokua Kailua is July 21, Sunday, 1-6 pm

– Women’s Bible Study resumes Aug 5

– Bible Recap Wednesdays 5:30 pm

– Prayer Meeting Fridays @11am

– Home Groups launch soon! To sign up, contact chuck.jonas@FASTMAIL.C0M or text 785-46II 

– Community Praise & Worship Night on the front lawn, Aug 24 6pm brought to you by Beyond4Walls. Bring a chair. 

Deepen your knowledge and relationship with God by reading the entire Bible. This can begin any day of the year. If you are interested, there are options:

Deepen your knowledge and relationship with God by reading the entire Bible. This can begin any day of the year. If you are interested, there are options:

1. Go to the website,, click on start and begin your journey any day of the year.

2. If you want to do it with friends, agree on a day to all start reading and meeting weekly for discussion. Our current discussion group all agree it is a highlight of our week!

3. Join our next new group starting here and begin the reading plan in May.

4. Join our existing group when we start reading the New Testament on October 1, and finish the New Testament on December 31.

For more info, catch us after church or call: 
Mike Franke (808-640-1093) or 
Barbara Franke (808-938-0498).

Friday Prayer Meeting:  Join the prayer warriors on the church lanai Fridays at 11am.

The church office hours for the next 2 weeks will be reduced. We will be open only on Thursdays and Fridays from 9am to 3pm and open Jan 4 and 5. 

Sunday Greeters Needed:  Anyone interested in serving as a greeter for the Sunday services should contact either Joe or Betty Chee. Please see them in person or call 808-895-4755 or 808- 325-7625. Mahalo!

Friday Prayer Meeting – Join the prayer warriors  on the church lanai at 11am on Fridays.