Discover the rich history of spiritual life of the Hawaiian Islands with Preparing the Way by Christopher L. Cook. It is a concise, beautiful pictoral account of the historical first American Protestant mission to arrive in Hawai‘i…
Have a painting, photograph or other art of Mokuaikaua? We’d love to see it! Tag it #mokuaikaua on Instagram to share it. We’ll feature the best on our social networks.
Discover the rich history of spiritual life of the Hawaiian Islands with Preparing the Way by Christopher L. Cook. It is a concise, beautiful pictoral account of the historical first American Protestant mission…
100 million copies are printed every year. It’s translated in 680 languages. It’s oldest sections are 3000+ years old, making it the oldest book in existence. It is the Bible. Modern narratives claim it inaccurate,…
Remembering the Thaddeus’ anchorage off Kawaihae two centuries ago.
Join us for the new Tuesday morning prayer meeting on zoom or by phone! We are stirring our faith and uniting in prayer each week for 30 minutes to lift up our community prayer…
Mahalos to all the volunteers who contributed to our Christmas Eve service with cookies, helped to set up and decorate the church, and a special mahalo to Alii Builders who worked hard to get the…